Thursday, November 8, 2007

Source and function Vitamins And Minerals

Vitamin A:-
Important for a good Vision, growth, cell reproduction (cell reproduction are important for healthy skin and recovery)
Source: - Eggs, dark green vegetables, fruits, fish oil, Liver, and dairy product.

Vitamin D :-

Absorption of calcium, bones and teeth health
Source: - Milk, morning sunlight, cod oil, cerial.

Vitamin E :-
Antioxidant, defense from cell damage.
Source: - Seeds, green leafy vegetables, Vegetables Oil, nuts.

Vitamin K :-
Blod clotting
Source: - Eggs, Vegetables, Cereal

Vitamin C :-
cell reproduction, Wound healing, bones health
Source: - Vegitables, Fruits (such as Oranges)

Calcium :-
Building bones, and for muscle and nerve systems
Source: - leafy green vegetables, seafood, dairy product

Iron :-
formation of red blod cells( hemoglobin) that carries oxygen to the cells
Source: - Red meat, green vegetables, fruits.

Potassium: -
Nerve function and muscle health (avoid muscle cramp)
Source: - Fruits such as banana, Vegetables fish and milk.

Zinc :-
Cell reproduction, growth and repair
Source: - Meat, grains, seafood.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Iron (Important for pregnant woman)


Iron is an important nutrient to maintain a good health. It is needed to form enough red blood cells (hemoglobin) in our body. Iron is a part of the hemoglobin, which carries oxygen needed by the cells to produce energy and also for body development. Consuming a good diet helps us to maintain iron level in our body and any excess of iron will be stored as a reserved. The reserved will be used whenever there are alack of iron in our diet.

The problem occurs when the reserved are depleted in our body. This means red blood cells are affected and unable to carries enough oxygen needed by our body resulting to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

The symptoms:

  • feeling tired
  • hard to breath
  • pale skin
  • weak
  • faint
Natural source of Iron:

  • Red Meat such as beef and lamb
  • Green Vegetables such broccoli, spinach and watercress.
  • Dried fruits and Soya flour

-->Iron in meat is easily absorbed. In order to increase the absorption of iron especially from plant food, it is advisable to take enough Vitamin C (fruits).

--->Any other supplement food of iron should be taken based on the correct dose. (According to doctors advice)<---

Iron is very important for:

  • Growing children
  • Woman experiencing heavily period
  • Blood loss
  • Pregnant woman (need enough red blood cells to provide oxygen for the mother and the growing babies)


Minerals, Vitamins and Water


Natural compounds generally trace elements, salts, or ions such as copper and iron, essential to normal metabolism


Organic compounds essential to the body's functions, usually acting as co-enzymes. Classified as water soluble or fat soluble. Vitamins cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained through diet or supplements


Compound formed a clear odorless tasteless liquid in a room temperature, freeze to ice on 0 degree temperature and boil at 100 degree. Drinking water. Absolute requirement for normal growth and metabolism directly involved in all the chemical reactions of life - sometimes referred to as the forgotten nutrient.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Fats can be defined as the basic nutrients composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms and oxygen. They are an important source of calories. One gram of fat supplies 9 calories, more than twice the amount of calories we get from carbohydrates or protein. They are needed for the proper functions of cells, insulation of body organs against shock, maintenance of body temperature, and needed for healthy skin and hair Fat also is needed to carry and store essential fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamins A and D. The body does not manufacture certain fatty acids (termed essential fatty acids) but fat is found in many foods. Some of the fat that we eat comes from the fat we add in cooking or spread on breads, vegetables or other foods. A lot of fat is hidden in foods that we eat as snacks, pastries or prepared meals. Fat is importan to the body but taking too much fat can lead to weight problem and certain desease. A well balanced diet is needed to avoid thease problem


Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. There are three different kinds of carbohydrates. They include starch, sugar, and fiber.

Carbohydrates that are found in fruits contain sugars that provide short-term energy.

Complex carbohydrates like starches and fibers provide sustained energy to the body found in plant foods like cereals, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, plantains and corn. Complex carbohydrates are stored in the body as glycogen. Fibers produce no calories/energy but it is good for digestion.Carbohydrate-rich foods are usually low in calories and they can help us keep a healthy weight.


Protein is made of chains of amino acids, which provide the building blocks (amino acids) for enzymes and other proteins within the body. It is needed for cells to grow and to repairs or replaces cells and tissues. In fact most all the parts of our bodies are made from protein. Protein also provide calories to provide energy to the body whenever we do not get enough calories from fat and carbohydrates.

Our body does not manufacture certain amino acids known as “essential amino acids”. We must obtain it from our diet. Foods that come from animals, such as fish, chicken, beef, eggs, milk, cheese, and yogurt contain all of the essential amino acids. Plant foods, such as rice, beans, peas, wheat and corn may be lack of one or more of the amino acids.

Protiens that’s contain all “essential amino acids” are known as complete proteins.Proteins that lack at least one or more of the “essential amino acids” are known as Incomplete Protein. However Incomplete proteins can be mixed together to make a complete protein

What is Supplementary food?

Supplimentary food is a nutrien added foodstuff such as milk products, cream or suppliment pills. It is an important food for those who need more health attention or for those who dont /not able to eat certain food that provides enough nutrients for the body. It is also important for kids growth evelopment, beauty care and body fitness.

Person who are positive for health, growth or well-being might not need it. Supplimentary food must be taken based on what your need for your body or based on doctor / nutritionist advice.

What Is Nutrients ??

A nutrient is any element, compound or substances which is required to support living plants and organisms. It is necessary for metabolism growth, or other functioning in plants and our body.

Six nutrient groups exist, classified as those that provide energy, and as those that support metabolic processes in the body.

Substances for energy
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. Fats

Substances for metabolism

  1. Minerals
  2. Vitamins
  3. Water

Most of these substances can be obtain from diet supply either form daily meals or supplementary food.

Nutrients in Foods

B Vitamins, Calcium, Carbohydrates ,Cholesterol ,Fat ,FiberFolic, AcidIncomplete ,Proteins,Iron,NiacinProtein,Riboflavin,Saturated FatsSodium,Thiamin,Unsaturated ,Fats and many more

Lists Of Vitamins

A (Beta-Carotene)
B ComplexB1 (Thiamine)
B2 (Riboflavin)
B3 (Niacin)
B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
B6 (Pyridoxine)
B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Folic Acid
PABA ( Para- Aminobenzoic Acid)
C ( Ascorbic Acid)
Coenzyme Q10